Industrial robots are used for automation in the manufacturing industry, such as the automotive industry, in order to carry out work processes autonomously.
Typical tasks are, for example, the precise joining and gluing, welding or riveting of car body parts. For this, knowledge of the relative position between the robot (especially the tool) and the component, i.e. the robot parameters, is essential.
Due to various factors, e.g. inaccurate installation or a crash, the real robot parameters do not match those from the planning. This results in an increased effort to re-teach points from the offline programming.
The usual methods for determining the actual parameters, however, only determine these for a specific robot position, which often lies outside the robot's working range. As a result, the accuracy of the working points in the working range of the robot varies greatly and can be far outside the required tolerance.
With RoboCalc, an add-on module to the open source software OpenIndy, both the six parameters of the base (position and orientation) and three parameters (position) of the tool can be determined in one step.
Earned advantage:
By averaging the deviations in the adjustment, these parameters are not only valid in one point, but in the whole measuring range. This increases the accuracy and significantly reduces the effort for re-teaching.
A further advantage, especially with turntables or drums, is the faster determination of the parameters than with conventional methods.
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